Meet Sage & Co.




July’s EmpowerHER Member of the Month!


Written by Boston Women’s Market & Heather Donnelly

Boston Women’s Market: Can you tell us a bit about what led you to begin your journey with Sage & Co.? Was there an aha! Moment? 

Heather Donnelly: After rescuing our dog, Sage, from Korean K9 Rescue two years ago, Sage and Co. was born to cater to our custom needs for our fearful dog. I had wanted very specific features for a leash, but couldn’t find what I wanted, or if I did find something it was not in a color or size that we liked. After lots of research, I decided to try making a leash and started to sell them after strangers and friends commented on how they wanted a leash like mine! I chose the name Sage and Co. to always remember why I started this business for my fearful pup, since my dog’s name is Sage. I often joke that she’s the real CEO of the company and always does a quality control check of all the products!

BWM: For many women starting out in the entrepreneurial world, there can be a lot of self-doubt. Do you have any personal stories about how you conquered self-doubt? What guidance would you give to others?

Heather: I was very unsure about selling to others I didn’t know because I was unsure if people would actually like my products or question the quality because it was handmade, and not factory-made. I decided to take the jump into the entrepreneurial world and start my small business when I had strangers asking me about my leash and if I could make them one too. Taking the jump to starting a small business was nerve-wracking and led to a lot of imposter syndrome, but being able to do in-person markets and interacting with people who have bought my products in the past or have been recommended them now has been empowering! I often asked people (and still do) what they look for in products for their dogs or pets and try to incorporate that into new ideas or additional products.

“Be kind to yourself, as you’re most likely already trying your best.”

BWM: Many women begin their small business journey as a way to seek fulfillment they may not be getting in their 9-5 job. Others aren't sure where to begin and need help "digging deeper" to find what it is that fills their cup. What are some steps someone can take today to begin that journey of discovery?

Heather: I’m currently a PhD student studying marine sciences, and graduate school can be very stressful at times. I do lots of different crafts in order to destress and take time back for myself. I would say that if you were to start a small business or start your entrepreneurial journey in addition to your 9-5, find something you enjoy doing! It can be hard to feel motivated when you are doing something that doesn’t fulfill you or bring you joy. Branch out and try many different things before landing on your niche!

BWM: Do you have a favorite moment so far with Sage & Co.? Where you really felt like you were on the right path?

Heather: I was at a few markets recently and saw dogs and their owners with leashes they had purchased from me the previous year. It was so awesome to chat with and say hi to them again and know they were enjoying their leash! I’ve also felt like this when people would come up to me and tell me a friend or relative recommended one of my products to them, confirming to me that there is a need for what I create and make.

BWM: How have you continued to manage the growth of your business while also finding time and ways to invest in yourself?

Heather: It’s been hard, as I’m still not too good at managing a business, graduate school, and free time for myself, but I would say to listen to your body and don’t always push yourself too hard. Burnout is hard to recover from, and sometimes something can wait. Be kind to yourself, as you’re most likely already trying your best. Carving out specific time in my schedule for brainstorming and testing new products has been helpful to keeping Sage and Co. growing slowly but steadily.

BWM: From one small business owner to another, what is your favorite go-to business tool or resource you can recommend to our community?

Heather: My favorite go-to business tool is Canva! I honestly love it so much, it just makes life so much easier for me to design and create things for multiple different platforms!

BWM: Anything else you'd like to share?

Heather: I’ve always been a serial crafter, but never had the courage to jump into selling and starting my own small business. It was a little scary at first, especially during my first market. I kept questioning if anyone would even buy anything I made. My fears were groundless though, as I ended up being swamped and didn’t even have time to eat food the whole time! Make those scary jumps, as you might find the ground is only a foot below you, not the miles you initially thought.



Custom Long Line Leash

This custom waterproof long line leash is great for hiking, swimming, and practicing recall!

Make those scary jumps, as you might find the ground is only a foot below you, not the miles you initially thought.” - Heather

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