Meet DibbleDabbble



LOCATION: Massachusetts

June’s EmpowerHER Member of the Month!


Written by Boston Women’s Market & Kelly Dybel

Boston Women’s Market: Can you tell us a bit about what led you to begin your journey with DibbleDabbble? Was there an aha! Moment? 

Kelly Dybel: I’ve always loved exploring new mediums and trying new techniques with art. I started DibbleDabbble a while back when I had fallen in love with wood burning and when I started creating pottery, it just fit so well within my brand. I chose DibbleDabbble as my name because I am still such an illustrator/painter at heart and love to share that with people any way that I can. (even as a sticker).

BWM: For many women starting out in the entrepreneurial world, there can be a lot of self-doubt. Do you have any personal stories about how you conquered self-doubt? What guidance would you give to others?

Kelly: I think my main example of self doubt would have to be when I first started selling my pottery at markets. There were definitely other potters there with me who were way more experienced and had beautiful pieces and it gave me such imposter syndrome. BUT the wonderful thing I’ve found about the market world is that it’s SO supportive and everyone is trying new things and constantly evolving. I made sure to spend a lot of time talking to other potters about their art and what worked for them and it gave me a lot of reassurance knowing that they had similar triumphs and failures. That would be my tid bit of guidance- spend some time getting to know your neighbors at markets- you can learn so much!

“I made sure to spend a lot of time talking to other potters about their art and what worked for them and it gave me a lot of reassurance knowing that they had similar triumphs and failures.

BWM: A mentor can play an integral role in someone’s career progression and personal growth. Did you have a mentor that influenced where you are today?

Kelly: I think my biggest mentors would be my mother and my first pottery teacher Chelsea (The Pottery Mill) My mom is the person who got me into art and took me to my first pottery class. She has been a driving force in my life to find something you love and run with it.  Chelsea taught me most of what I know in pottery and it was so awesome watching her develop her own studio and business while having a full time job and family.

BWM: Many women begin their small business journey as a way to seek fulfillment they may not be getting in their 9-5 job. Others aren't sure where to begin and need help "digging deeper" to find what it is that fills their cup. What are some steps someone can take today to begin that journey of discovery?

Kelly: I would suggest trying different classes at museums, incubator/make it places, or pop up shops! It’s not a huge commitment and you can explore so many different mediums.

BWM: We think the stories of failure are just as important as the stories of success. Can you talk about a time that you failed in an entrepreneurial venture or objective? How did you face and overcome this failure? What was the lesson learned?

Kelly: When I first started trying to grow my followers/audience, that was a big struggle. I spent more time researching different ways to reach people who would enjoy my art and it started to gain some momentum. I will say it’s something you definitely have to stay on top of.

BWM: Do you have a favorite moment so far with DibbleDabble? Where you really felt like you were on the right path?

Kelly: There was one really successful Valentine’s Day market that I attended where I almost sold out of my stock and that made me so proud. I was like people actually really enjoy my art - which is so gratifying after you’ve spent so many years learning and putting the time in.

BWM: How have you continued to manage the growth of your business while also finding time and ways to invest in yourself?

Kelly: Art is such an outlet for me personally so when I can use what I create towards my business- that’s so awesome! But I do also make sure to cut out some time to be out side and in my garden.

BWM: If our community wants to dive deeper into empowering their own journey, what resources do you offer?

Kelly: I can offer my experience moving through this world as well as my technical skills in several mediums.

BWM: From one small business owner to another, what is your favorite go-to business tool or resource you can recommend to our community?

Kelly: I’m a huge fan of Buffer which is a social media manager. Really great if you have a full time job or go on vacation and don’t want to worry about finding content to post while trying to enjoy some time off.

BWM: What is your go-to Podcast or book of the moment ( besides your own of course!)?

Kelly: Two Hot Takes!

BWM: Anything else you'd like to share?

Kelly: I’ve always wanted to have a career as an artist and having this business has enabled me to fulfill that part of my life as well as make moves towards other goals in this field!




All boobies slightly vary in size and shape just like in real life! 

“ I was like people actually really enjoy my art - which is so gratifying after you’ve spent so many years learning and putting the time in.” - Kelly

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